Mining Partnerships for Development
In addition to existing commitments under the ICMM Sustainable Development Framework, ICMM member companies commit to actively support or help develop partnerships with other stakeholder groups with the aim of enhancing the social and economic contribution of mining through development partnerships as outlined in this position statement.
In addition to ICMM, we are members of numerous industry associations and are involved in organizations that provide a platform for advancing sustainability. As we implement our sustainability strategy, our involvement with these organizations provides us with guidance and opportunities to share best practices and contribute to industry standards, enabling us to evolve with the best sustainability practices in our industry.
We take into consideration external standards and best practices in our governance of sustainability. Through our membership and involvement with several external organizations, we are able to contribute to and engage with others on the development of best practice in areas of sustainability performance and global sustainability trends.
See a full listing on the memberships and partnerships page.
Our work in this area is externally verified by an independent third-party every year. Learn more in our sustainability report.