Elderly woman in a purple sweater tending to flowers in a garden.

Communities and Indigenous Peoples

From exploration through operation and closure, we seek to build strong relationships with communities and Indigenous Peoples, respect human rights, and create lasting benefits in the regions where we operate.

Communities and Indigenous Peoples and our Sustainability Strategy

Communities and Indigenous Peoples is one of our eight strategic themes along with: health and safety, climate change, our people, water, tailings management, responsible production, and biodiversity and reclamation. Our sustainability strategy has long-term strategic priorities and shorter-term sustainability goals.

Strategic Priority:

Collaborate with communities and Indigenous Peoples to generate economic benefits, advance reconciliation efforts and improve community well-being


  • Increase local employment and procurement opportunities by 2025 to deliver direct economic benefits to communities.
  • Achieve greater representation of Indigenous Peoples across our business by 2025 by increasing employment and procurement through business development, capacity-building, education and training opportunities. 
  • Deliver positive social, economic and environmental outcomes for communities and Indigenous Peoples by contributing $100 million to community organizations and global initiatives, including our Zinc & Health and Copper & Health programs, by 2025.
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Person in a purple sweater tending to flowers in a garden under a canopy.

Our management approach, annual performance and data related to local community engagement, actual and potential impacts on local communities, development programs, and grievance mechanisms.


Management Approach

Data (.xlsx file)

Management and Performance in Relationships with Indigenous Peoples

Construction worker in orange gear with helmet and safety glasses, standing outside in front of building.

Our management approach, annual performance and data related to relationships with Indigenous Peoples.


Management Approach

Data (.xlsx file)

Management and Performance in Human Rights

Man in a high-visibility jacket and blue shirt standing in a room with blue shelves in the background.

Our management approach, annual performance and data related to anticipating and preventing impacts on the human rights of people foreseeably affected by our activities, particularly in our supply chain and near our operations.


Management Approach

Data (.xlsx file)

Community Investment

Teck is committed to helping build healthy, vibrant communities in the areas where we operate. Through Teck’s community investment program, we contribute to charitable organizations, institutions and initiatives that strengthen communities. Teck targets strategic community investments in sustainable community development projects and initiatives with both local and global relevance. Our goal is to address community priorities that align with our business objectives to create shared benefit from our community investments. 

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Copper & Health

Smiling nurse and happy child with curly hair, both looking at the camera in a bright room.

As a major copper producer, we believe we can play an important role in increasing the use of antimicrobial copper in hospitals to reduce the spread of healthcare-acquired infections. Through our new Copper & Health program, Teck is building partnerships, raising awareness and improving health outcomes for patients, visitors and healthcare workers.

Zinc & Health

Five children smiling and standing together under a partly cloudy sky.

Teck is supporting improved health and well-being at the global level through our Zinc & Health program. As one of the world’s largest producers of zinc, Teck is committed to helping solve the global health issue of zinc deficiency through therapeutic zinc, zinc supplementation, food fortification, crop nutrition and awareness and advocacy. To date, this program has reached more than 140 million people worldwide. As a founding member of the Zinc Alliance for Child Health (ZACH), Teck has partnered with UNICEF, the Micronutrient Initiative and the Government of Canada and has provided more than 44 million life-saving zinc and oral rehydration salts treatments to children in Sub-Saharan Africa and India.

Our Vision in Action