Respect human rights and the interests, cultures, customs and values of employees and communities affected by our activities

Human Rights
We are committed to respecting the rights of our employees, the communities in which we operate, and others affected by our activities through the life cycle of our products and operations. We work to advance human rights values in the areas where we operate in collaboration with stakeholders, and put special emphasis on the rights of vulnerable groups that may be impacted by our activities and operations, including Indigenous Peoples, women and children. Teck has adopted the UN Guiding Principles Framework as a means to progressively identify and remedy human rights impacts as part of our work and report upon those activities.
Our Human Rights Policy outlines our commitment to respecting the rights of our employees, the communities in which we operate and others affected by our activities. Our Code of Ethics confirms our commitment to fair working conditions and an environment free of discrimination and harassment.
All operations have implemented site-based feedback mechanisms that enable individuals or groups to report human rights concerns. We conduct ongoing due diligence to ensure awareness of our Human Rights Policy is strong across our sites and operations. We also conduct training related to the policy for practitioners to ensure a rights-based approach to community engagement.
Read more about our work in human rights.
Relationships with Communities
At Teck, we begin engagement with communities at the earliest phase of the mining life cycle. We work to engage communities and continuously demonstrate our ability to effectively manage environmental and social impacts while providing opportunities and mutually defined benefits. At every operation and project, engagement is completed with the intention of both sharing information from our sites and gathering input from the community.
Read more about our work in managing relationships with communities.
Relationships with Indigenous Peoples
We also work to engage with Indigenous Peoples and achieve their free, prior and informed consent, also known as FPIC, when proposing new or substantially modified projects. We aim to foresee any interruptions or complications to our projects by proactively integrating the perspectives of Indigenous Peoples into company decision-making throughout the mining life cycle, and by creating lasting benefits that respect their unique interests and aspirations.
In 2015, Teck established an Indigenous Peoples Policy that reaffirms our commitment to working with Indigenous Peoples to ensure that Indigenous rights, cultural heritage and traditional land use are respected. The policy was developed with input and guidance from Indigenous Peoples in our local communities as well as from leading international and local groups with expertise in Indigenous and mining policy.
Read more about our work in managing relationships with Indigenous Peoples.
Our work in this area is externally verified by an independent third-party every year. Learn more in our sustainability report.