GeoStable Tailings Consortium: Innovation in Sustainable Tailings Management

Smiling worker wearing a Teck hard hat, safety glasses, and an orange safety vest

Teck is committed to the safe and environmentally responsible management of tailings throughout their life cycle.  We are dedicated to fostering innovation and collaborating within the industry to improve tailings practices. 

Teck is one of eight mining companies that have partnered to form the GeoStable Tailings Consortium (GSTC). The consortium aims to develop innovative technology tools for enhancing the performance of tailings, while minimizing environmental impact. 

Tailings are waste products produced during mining and processing operations. Due to the nature of the ore separation processes, tailings are commonly transported as a slurry of fine mineral particles and water. The tailings are then placed in a specially designed impoundment called a tailings facility. The GSTC will focus on creating ‘geo-stable’ landforms by blending tailings with waste rock which are stronger and more stable than conventional tailings deposition methods. 

This initiative builds on previous research efforts in geo-waste and eco-tailings. Further research and development activities will be undertaken by the GSTC, including laboratory testing, field trials and data analysis. The consortium will also advocate best practices in tailings and waste management, fostering a culture of continuous improvement throughout the mining industry.

Read more about our approach to Tailings Management on our website. 


First published on March 01, 2024