Teck 2022 Annual Report cover with landscape photo and text 'Purpose in Action'.

2022 Annual Report

Notice of Meeting and Management Proxy Circular for Teck Resources Limited meeting on April 26, 2023.

2023 Management Proxy Circular

Cover page of Teck’s Response to Glass Lewis Report, dated April 17, 2023, with Teck logo.

Teck's Response to Glass Lewis Report

Teck's Response to ISS Regarding Separation, April 14, 2023 document cover with Teck logo.

Teck’s Response to ISS Regarding Separation

Teck 2022 Sustainability Report cover showing a lit-up facility against a twilight landscape backdrop.

2022 Sustainability Report

Draft of Shareholder Rights Plan Agreement by Elk Valley Resources Ltd. and TSX Trust Company.

EVR Shareholder Rights Plan

Cover of Teck's Climate Change Outlook 2021 report featuring a close-up of solar panels.

TCFD Climate Change Outlook 2021

Materials for 2022Annual Meeting of Shareholders

Man in safety gear on the cover of Teck's 2021 Annual Report with text 'Purpose Driven'.

2021 Annual Report

Teck Resources annual meeting notice and proxy circular for meeting on April 27, 2022.

2022 Management Proxy Circular

Teck Sustainability Report Cover 2021

2021 Sustainability Report

Cover of Teck's Climate Change Outlook 2021 report featuring a close-up of solar panels.

TCFD Climate Change Outlook 2021

Materials for 2021 Annual Meeting of Shareholders

Person in safety gear working on a computer with mountains in the background, Teck 2020 Annual Report.

2020 Annual Report

Notice of Meeting and Management Proxy Circular for Teck Resources, April 28, 2021.

2021 Management Proxy Circular

Letter from Ed Dowling regarding ISS Say-on-Pay Recommendation for Teck Resources Limited.

Letter from Ed Dowling, Chair of the Compensation & Talent Committee, regarding the ISS Say-on-Pay Recommendation for Teck Resources Limited