Creating Safer Spaces for Learning: Copper & Health in STEM Discovery Centres in Canada

Geology Science Exhibit at Science World


Through our Copper & Health program, Teck partnered with STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) discovery centres in Canada to provide an added layer of protection for visitors and staff while building awareness of copper’s antimicrobial properties and the role metals play in our everyday lives. As a major copper producer, Teck is committed to raising awareness and advocating for the use of copper to help fight infections resulting from bacteria spread in busy public spaces. Copper has unique antimicrobial properties and is proven effective in eliminating up to 99.9 per cent of harmful bacteria within two hours of contact. When installed in high-touch, high-traffic locations, copper can help reduce the spread of infectious disease.  

The Royal Ontario Museum

Teck and Royal Ontario Museum (ROM), Canada’s world museum, partnered to outfit ROM with innovative antimicrobial copper surfaces and build awareness around the health benefits of copper. The partnership includes outfitting high-traffic and high-touch areas including door handles, washroom stall latches and other high-touch surfaces with antimicrobial copper surfaces. This installation helps to protect the health and safety of all those who visit this landmark institution every year. 
Funding will also go towards an interactive digital educational program to explain the health benefits of copper and illustrate the important role this natural resource plays in society today and for the low-carbon future. This initiative will become part of school curriculums across Ontario. 

Science World

Science World, a science centre in British Columbia, also partnered with Teck to outfit high-traffic areas with antimicrobial copper surfaces. Copper has been installed on surfaces including Science World exhibits, front door handles and entrance countertops. The installation adds protection for about 1 million guests who visit Science World each year. 
Teck is also the presenting sponsor of Science World’s Geology Science Exhibit which includes new interactive and educational displays to help visitors discover how metals are used in our daily lives, from the smartphones we use to the bridges we drive on. This exhibit complements Science World’s focus on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Design, and Math) to encourage future generations to enter into these fields.

Copper & Health

This initiative is one in a series of contributions through Teck’s Copper & Health program to expand the use of antimicrobial copper to reduce the spread of infection. It includes partnerships with numerous B.C. hospitals, post-secondary educational institutions and on public transit in Vancouver and Toronto and the Vancouver International Airport. 

Read more about the role of antimicrobial copper, Teck’s Copper & Health program, and other examples of copper in action.


First published on March 14, 2023