Empowering Students through Teck’s Co-op Program

RACE21 Co-Op student Manish Mehra at our Yaletown office, B.C., Canada.
Photo: RACE21 Co-Op student Manish Mehra at our Yaletown office, B.C., Canada. 


For over 20 years, Teck has been employing students across our Canadian sites to provide personal and professional growth opportunities through our Co-Op Program. From financial support to organizing networking events, we are focused on supporting students with career development and practical experience. In recognition of our program, in 2021, Teck was named as one of Canada’s Top 100 Employers for Young People, which recognizes companies for their exceptional performance in attracting and training young workers.

About Teck’s Co-op Program

Every year, Teck hires 150 – 300 students across our Canadian sites to offer hands-on experience through our Co-op Program. The objective of the program is to provide students with career-building skills and knowledge, and an enriched learning experience. Students are given meaningful and challenging work that encourages innovative thinking and creative problem-solving. From environmental engineering and information technology to accounting and communications, our Co-op students bring new ideas and fresh perspectives to our diverse pool of teams.

“Teck is committed to providing professional development opportunities to hundreds of university students annually through our student programs. Not only does this help ensure a bright future for mining and other industries, but it also provides Teck with a critical pipeline of talent,” said Masaki Miyoshi, Lead, Campus Talent Acquisition, at Teck. 

“The confidence my team placed in me, as well as my skillset, have allowed me to tackle projects that are out of my comfort zone and have contributed to my growth as an individual and as a team member,” said Irina Roche, Biodiversity and Mine Closure Co-Op, Environment, a participant in Teck’s 2021 Co-Op Program.

Building a Student Community

In 2019, the Student Experience Committee (SEC), comprised of students from our Canadian sites, was created to build a stronger student community at Teck. The SEC organizes events to enhance student career development, networking, and social opportunities. 

In 2020, the SEC responded to the challenges of the pandemic by placing a greater focus on supporting students’ mental and physical wellness during their work terms. Social events such as the “12 Days of Teckmas” provided fun challenges for students to participate in and connect with each other. During the summer, the SEC organized outdoor physical challenges to encourage students to stay active. In 2021, events used a hybrid model and ranged from a virtual Fireside chat for students to engage with Red Conger, Teck’s Chief Operations Officer, to a kayaking and get-together event – held with COVID-19 protocols – for students near Teck’s Vancouver offices.

Learn more about our approach to Our People on our website.


First published on March 17, 2022