B.C. Premier John Horgan (bottom right) meets Kiara Herrera (bottom left), BC Children’s Hospital patient, along with her mother Claudia Herrera and father Omar Herrera; Karla Mills (top left), Mining for Miracles Co-Chair and Vice President, Project Development, Teck; Steven Krause (top right), Mining for Miracles Co-Chair and President of Avisar Chartered Professional Accountants; and Meghan McQuaid (top centre), Philanthropy Officer, BC Children’s Hospital Foundation, to kick off the 2021 Mining for Miracles campaign.
Karla Mills, Vice President, Project Development, Teck, attended the virtual launch for the 2021 Mining for Miracles fundraising campaign. This year’s campaign is raising funds to support the establishment of the Cellular and Regenerative Medicine Centre (CRMC) at the BC Children’s Hospital, a $3.385 million initiative.
The CRMC will give clinicians at BC Children’s the tools to better understand the genetic cause of heart arrhythmias so they can provide the best possible care to children in B.C. It will result in improved diagnoses, identification of optimal treatments—and, potentially, cures—improving and saving the lives of children across the province and beyond. In the future, the CRMC may also be used to provide answers for the thousands of children living with other life-altering conditions such as diabetes, cancer, bowel disease and epilepsy. Learn more about CRMC here, or by watching this video.
Every year, volunteers from the mining community work together through Mining for Miracles to help improve the quality of healthcare for children in B.C. Through its support of the construction of facilities and the acquisition of specialized medical equipment at the hospital, Mining for Miracles is helping to keep BC Children's Hospital at the forefront of pediatric care excellence. Since 1988, Mining for Miracles has raised more than $34 million in areas of critical need at the BC Children’s Hospital.

COVID-19 meant that Mining for Miracles fundraising activities looked a little different this year, largely shifting to virtual or socially-distanced formats. As such, Buddy the Miner showed up at Trail Operations’ annual Boot Drive sporting a custom-made mask by Carol Vanelli Worosz, Community Engagement Leader, Trail Operations.
Click here to watch the Mining for Miracles “Pies will Fly” fundraising video. To learn more about Mining for Miracles and this year’s virtual campaigns, or to make a donation, visit miningformiracles.ca.