Smiling man in a suit with a blue tie on a grey background.

A Message from our President and CEO

Welcome to the third issue of Connect for 2019, the theme for which is Transforming Teck.

Thank You

Download Connect, Volume 27

Gord Kavaloff, Senior Reliability Specialist, Trail Operations; Adam Bondi, Senior Engineer Supervisor, Elkview Operations; Shane McColman, Senior Engineer Supervisor, Fording River Operations; Khushaal Popli, Engineer-In-Training, Highland Valley Copper; John Thomas, Superintendent Processing, Fording River Operations; Murray Cruickshank, Lead Strategic Planning, Highland Valley Copper; Jeff Hawley, Senior Engineer Supervisor, Sparwood office; Dale Caron, Drill and Blast Lead, Sparwood office; Phillipe Thenoux, Mechanic, Carmen de Andacollo; Jelena Puzic, Director, Geosciences, Vancouver office; Gerry Wong, Senior Safety Coordinator, Highland Valley Copper; Courtney Seeger, Senior Engineer Supervisor, Greenhills Operations; Verna Westlake, Community Investment Coordinator, Red Dog; Chris Adachi, Manager, Sustainability & Climate Change, Vancouver office.

On the Cover

The successful mining company of the future will be built on a fully integrated digital platform. The RACE21™ team is building that platform for Teck.


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