Enabling Diversity through Inclusion: The Road Ahead

We believe it is our many differences that we bring to work each day that contribute to building a stronger Teck.

Our commitment to inclusion and diversity stems from our core values of integrity and respect, and is reflected in our Code of Ethics, our Code of Sustainable Conduct, and our Inclusion and Diversity Policy.

While often used interchangeably, inclusion and diversity are not the same concept, but rather two sides of the same coin. When we talk about diversity, we refer to the ‘who’ at Teck. A diverse workforce is one that is engaged, reflects the various communities in which we operate, and attracts and retains a broader pool of candidates. Diversity is essential to building Teck’s workforce of the future.

Inclusion speaks to the ‘how’. While inclusion means something different to everyone, at its core, it is the behaviour that acknowledges, welcomes and accommodates our visible and invisible characteristics that make us unique. Our ability to embrace those individual differences will enable the diverse workforce we need to thrive in the future.

Implementation of Teck’s Inclusion and Diversity strategy will accelerate in the coming months, and will focus on enhancing the principles of inclusion throughout all levels of the organization. Our goal is to cultivate a culture across Teck that is collaborative, innovative and equitable, where individuals feel as though they can contribute their full potential.

The strategy provides a road map to achieving the following four outcomes:


Leaders at all levels consistently embrace and demonstrate inclusive behaviours

Employee experiences

Employees feel included, valued and equipped for today and the future


Employees are engaged and contributing to Teck's social and economic goals

Talent processes

Talent policies and processes at Teck are inclusive and support diversity

Learn more from one of Teck’s Inclusion and Diversity Committee Chairs in “People and Places”. Teck’s Inclusion and Diversity Policy can be found at www.teck.com/responsibility

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Lori Rozali, Investor Relations Manager, Vancouver office; Adam Bondi, Senior Engineer Supervisor, Elkview Operations; Corrine Balcaen, Director, Occupational Health and Hygiene, Vancouver office; Claudio Canut De Bon, Mine Production and Planning Manager, Carmen de Andacollo; Paulina Puentes, Environment Coordinator, Carmen de Andacollo; Carla Vargas, General Services Attendant, QB2; Katie Fedosenko, Manager, Sustainability Reporting, Vancouver office; Lisa Weidemann, Manager, Environment & Community Affairs, Mesaba; Mario Talarico, Specialist—Investment Recovery & Supply Chain Site, Highland Valley Copper; Bryan Lauzon, Industrial Warehouseperson, Warehousing, Trail Operations; Lawrence Watkins, Vice President, Health and Safety, Vancouver office; Frank Wimberley, Senior Specialist, Project Practices, PDG, Vancouver office; Beverley Bruce, Project Coordinator, TDS, Vancouver office; Karla Mills, Vice President, Project Development Group, Vancouver office; Warren Yau, General Manager, Projects, Project Development Group, Vancouver office; Kayleigh Montgomery, Lead, Social Responsibility, Sparwood office; Andrea Lobos, Senior Communications Specialist, Santiago office; Sonya Hammond, Administrative Assistant, Human Resources, Greenhills Operations

On the Cover

Jacqueline Dawes, Health and Safety Performance Lead, Trail Operations


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