Innovation and Technology

Transforming our Business with Technology

How technology and innovation are changing the way we operate.

Digital innovation and new technologies have the potential to transform industries, including mining. At Teck, we have a dedicated team assessing a wide range of technology to help identify and fast-track those with the greatest potential to improve safety, productivity and environmental performance at our operations.

Those include mobile equipment automation; shovel-mounted sensors that differentiate between ore and waste; LNG-fueled haul trucks, building on the pilot we conducted last year; digitalization to improve productivity and decision-making; and virtual and augmented reality, that can give us the ability to view remote sites or visualize data in three dimensions.

Recently, our senior management team and members of the Board of Directors took a virtual reality tour of Greenhills Operations and saw firsthand improvements that have been made in truck productivity at our sites.

This innovation is one example of our ongoing efforts to develop and implement new technologies, techniques and ideas across every aspect of our business—from exploration and project development through to active mining, mineral processing and reclamation and closure.

Watch for more stories on technology and innovation at Teck in upcoming issues of Connect.

Thank you

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Many thanks to those who contributed to and participated in this issue of Connect:

Craig Bell, Buyer, Sparwood office; Barbara Brice, Senior Human Resources Generalist, Pend Oreille Mine; Pamela Chait, Manager, Corporate Affairs, Santiago office; Vesta Filipchuk, Manager, Community Relations, North American Exploration, Vancouver office; Norman Fraser, Lead, Aboriginal Initiatives, Sparwood office; Carly Hoogeveen, Coordinator, Community Relations, Calgary office; Bruce Howard, Environmental Superintendent, Pend Oreille Mine; Tony Kalma, Community Relations, Regional Leader, Exploration, Australia, West Perth office; Heather Lawrence, Manager, Indigenous Affairs, Vancouver office; José Luis González, Coordinator, Community Development, Quebrada Blanca Operations; Nicole McLaren, Coordinator, Indigenous Affairs, Vancouver office; Neil Rayner, Leader, Indigenous Affairs, Vancouver office; Sheila Ryles, Marketing Communications Specialist, Technical Services, Toronto office; Jason Smith, Superintendent, Human Resources, Greenhills Operations; Verna Westlake, Community Relations Coordinator, Red Dog Operations

On the Cover

Maggie Dunleavy, Warehouse Floor Person, Red Dog Operations

Click here to watch Maggie talk about her experience working at Red Dog.

Red Dog was developed under an innovative operating agreement between the landowner NANA, a Regional Alaska Native corporation, and Teck. For more than 25 years, Red Dog and the people of the Northwest Arctic region of Alaska have worked together to create jobs and opportunities in the region; in 2016, approximately 638 NANA shareholders (employees and contractors) worked at the mine.



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