
Human Rights Assessments at Carmen de Andacollo Operations and our Frontier Project

June 25, 2014

In 2013 we piloted a site-level human rights assessment (HRA) tool at our Carmen de Andacollo Operations in Chile and at our Frontier project in the Athabasca oil sands region of Alberta. HRAs are designed to identify and analyze where our activities have the possibility of infringing or enhancing human rights for our communities of interest (including employees and communities).

At Carmen de Andacollo, as a result of the HRA findings and recommendations, we implemented several actions, including the creation of Participatory Monitoring Boards to develop contingency plans to address water accessibility and the development and implementation of anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policies.

At our Frontier Project, as a result of the HRA, we identified three key activities: training for security contractors on human rights risks and management, conducting human rights compliance audits of agencies that provide us with migrant and temporary labour, and integrating health awareness programs into the onboarding process for new employees.

Through the HRA pilot process and development of our Human Rights Policy, we have determined an approach to identifying and managing human rights risks more broadly at Teck. The pilot process also demonstrated opportunities to further enhance Human Rights for our employees and communities, and expanded internal awareness and knowledge of human rights issues. We have also strengthened relationships with key external stakeholders by demonstrating our commitment to human rights.

First Published on June 25, 2014